Figures of speech ( TNPSC English )

1. Figures of speech observed in the following Poems:


Alliteration – Allusion – Simile – Metaphor – Personification – Oxymoron –
Onomatopoeia – Anaphora – Ellipsis - Rhyme Scheme - Rhyming Words –
Repetition – Apostrophe

A Psalm of Life - Women’s Rights - The Nation United - English words –
Snake – The Man He Killed - Off to outer space tomorrow morning - Sonnet
No.116 - The Solitary Reaper - Be the Best - O Captain My Captain - Laugh
and Be Merry – Earth - Don’t quit - The Apology - Be Glad your Nose is on
your face - A sonnet for my Incomparable Mother - The Flying Wonder - To
a Millionaire - The Piano – Manliness - Going for water - The cry of the
Children - Migrant Bird - Shilpi.

Above said poems are in the textbook 10,11,12 standard books, first you read at once and remember the author name and author nationality that will usefull for Part=B and Part=C questions in Tnpsc examination.Below link for 10,11,12, standard Text books.

10th Standard English Text Book

11th Standard English Text Book

12th Standard English Text Book

Comparison between 2 objects or things. (i.e., the comparison words are used like as,so,till,...

Comparison between 2 objects or things. (i.e., the comparison words are not used.

Attributes life to non-living things.

Words denoting the sound act by an object, thing,...

Repeating initial consonent sound in several words in same line.

Indirect reference to object, place, act, event,...

By Using Contradictory words. (i.e.,opposite words).

eliminating a part of sentence or word without altering the real meaning.

By using Pronoun terms to denote something that already in the sentence.

Rhyme scheme:
Order of the words with similar sounds. (i.e., ah, bah, sah,...).

Rhyming words:
Using words with similar sound.

Using repeating words or phrase in consecutive lines or same lines.

Speaking to an imaginary person or object.

1.Laugh till the game is played and be you merry, my friends. In the above quoted lines from 'Laugh and be Merry' by John Masefield the figure of speech that occur is
a) Simile  
b) Metaphor
c) alliteration  
d) apostrophe

2.So now it is Vain for the singer to, burst into clamour
a) onomatoepia  
b) simile
c) alliteration  
d) metaphor

3.The reddest flower would look as pale as snow
a) metaphor  
b) simile
c) alliteration  
d) onomatoepia.

4.Through fears and fright i fly my flight
a) alliteration  
b) simile
c) onomatoepia  
d) none

5. "Like a golden swarm of fireflies you came".Identify the figure of speech employed in the poetic line :
a) simile  
b) alliteration
c) onomaetopia  
d) none

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