Comprehension. ( Tnpsc English ).

1.Reading the passage and choose the statement from the options given below While they are students, their attitude towards the Government of the country such as it may be good, bad or indifferent, should be one of acquiescence, loyal acquiescence
a) Students should be loyal to their country  
b) Students should accept their country
c) Students should follow the code and law of their country  
d) Students should take part in politics

2. Robert and I went out to shoot one day last April, and all would have been well it a had not crossed our path as we were leaving the village. Robert, as you know, is a poor Shikari with little knowledge of the jungle folk, and when after seeing the fox, 1 suggested we should turn round and go home, he laughed at me and said it was child's talk to say that a fox would bring us bad luck. So we continued on our way. We had started when the stars were paling and near Garuppu, J fired at a chital stag and unaccountably missed it. Later Robert broke the wing of a peafowl, but though we chased the wounded bird as hard as we could it got away in the long grass, where we lost it. Thereafter, though we combed the jungles we saw nothing to shoot, and towards the evening we turned our faces towards home
Which of the following statements may be assumed to be true from the information in the passage

a) Robert and the writer were lazybones  
b) They did not hunt for the whole day
c) They had bad luck that day  
d) The games were chased away by a fox

3.Robert and I went out to shoot one day last April, and all would have been well it a had not crossed our path as we were leaving the village. Robert, as you know, is a poor Shikari with little knowledge of the jungle folk, and when after seeing the fox, 1 suggested we should turn round and go home, he laughed at me and said it was child's talk to say that a fox would bring us bad luck. So we continued on our way. We had started when the stars were paling and near Garuppu, J fired at a chital stag and unaccountably missed it. Later Robert broke the wing of a peafowl, but though we chased the wounded bird as hard as we could it got away in the long grass, where we lost it. Thereafter, though we combed the jungles we saw nothing to shoot, and towards the evening we turned our faces towards home
The writer decided to continue with Robert because,

a) he did not like Robert to think that he was superstitious  
b) games were plentiful in the forest
c) he did not give up hope  
d) he did not like to leave Robert alone

4.Newton returned to cambridge in order to formulate this simple key to the riddle of the universe. As a result of his leisurely observation of the unimportant little things of his daily life. he had made one of the most important discoveries of history.
pick out the false statement

a) He always looks at little things  
b) Little things are not important
c) His observation of the trival thing had helped him to discover a theory  
d) His theories are always the outcome of his keen observation

5.Read the passage and select the correct sentence from the options given below :
Built in the year 1010 by King Raja Chola stood a symbol of flourishing sculptural Expertise and rice culture of ancient India

a) King Raja Raja Chola born in 1010  
b) King Raja Raja Was an expert in sculpture
c) The Big temple stood a place of King Raja Raja Chola’s court  
d) The Big temple stood a symbol of flourishing sculptural expertise and rice culture of ancient India

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