Identify the Sentence (Simple, compound, complex ) Tnpsc English.

1.identify the simple sentence:
a) Be diligent and you will succeed  
b) Be diligent or you will fall
c) Be diligent to succeed  
d) Be diligent and you will be a success in life

2. Identify the sentence:On account of heavy rain the match was cancelled
a) compound  
b) complex
c) simple  
d) none

3.Identify the complex sentence:
a) He proved his innocence  
b) He proved that he is innocent
c) Being innocent, he proved it  
d) He was innocent so he proved it

4. Identify the sentence :
I had to walk back home as the transport workers were on strike

a) simple  
b) complex
c) compound  
d) none

5.Identify the complex sentence:
a) On seeing my friend, I greeted him  
b) I saw my friend and I greeted him
c) When I saw my friend I greeted him  
d) I saw my friend and so I greeted him

6. Identify the compound sentence:
a) The farmer was old and so he could not plough the field himself  
b) He is too tired to walk
c) After he had done the sums he went to bed  
d) As he worked hard he completed the work

7.Identify the type of this sentence : The old TV belongs to my sister and it needs repair
a) simple  
b) complex
c) compound  
d) none

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13/01/2020, 06:09 delete

Writing in its finest sense is more than just playing around with words to express one's views, opinions or objectively shout out product or service descriptions. Before a piece of writing can reach the hearts and minds of critically acclaimed audience,the grammar must first be flawlessly perfect.Amazing write up on Compound Sentence .wish you successful.

17/03/2020, 01:40 delete

Thanks for sharing the information.Your article is really looked nice and great because in this way we can learn the concept of 4 types of sentences.The writer here has done a great job.Helpful article to understand the 4 Types of Sentences in an easier way.Keep up the good work.


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