Eligiblity criteria for TNPSC group 1 Exam

TNPSC group 1 Services ( Combined Civil Services - I) post are
1) Deputy collector,
2) Deputy Superintendent of police,
3) Assistant Commissioner,
4) District Registrar.
You have choose more than one post for this services while applying for the Group-1.
Candidate must pass the required qualification like 10th + 12th + U.G ( Under graduate degree).

Candidates who are studying final year also they could apply for this post, but they allowed for preliminary exams only. Main written Exams candidate have to submit their degree certificate, fail to produce that certificate, leads to rejection of the application.

Age Qualification

Age qualification for this post 1, 2, 4, is minimum 21 years and maximum 35 years (for Sc/ST/BC/MBC/BCM/DC/DW), 30 years ( "others" not belonging to Sc/ST/BC/MBC/BCM/DC/DW said category).

For assistant Commissioner ( for any degree except B.L degree) minimum age is 21 years and maximum 35 years (for Sc/ST/BC/MBC/BCM/DC/DW ), 30 years (for "others" not belonging to Sc/ST/BC/MBC/BCM/DC/DW said category).
(for B.L degree recognized university or under grants commission )minimum age is 21 years and maximum 36 years (for Sc/ST/BC/MBC/BCM/DC/DW ), 312 years (for "others" not belonging to Sc/ST/BC/MBC/BCM/DC/DW said category).

Qualifying Marks

Preliminary Exams

General studies (150 items) + Aptitude & Mental ability test(50 items -sslc standard), total 200 questions. Each question have 1.5 marks total marks=300. For (Sc/ST/BC/MBC/BCM/DC/DW) qualifying marks=90, others (not belong to Sc/ST/BC/MBC/BCM/DC/DW said category ) qualifying marks is 120.

Main Written Exams and oral test.

Paper 1, paper 2, paper 3, each have 300 marks totally 900 marks. oral test and record for each paper is 40 totally 120. For (Sc/ST/BC/MBC/BCM/DC/DW) qualifying marks is 306 and others (Sc/ST/BC/MBC/BCM/DC/DW not belongs to this category) qualifying marks is 408.


Preliminary Exam centre:

Name of the centre
All 32 district have the centre

Candidates can choose and write examination at any one centres (their own wish). But once you submit your centre name and again you can't able to compiled or modify once you submit the application.

Main Exam and oral test.

main exam and oral test are held at chennai only, you come for this centre with your own expenses.

Examination Fee:

Examination fee for group 1 services ( Exam fee = 75 + Application fee = 50 ) Total =125. You are already applied for OTR ( One time Registration =Rs 50 ) means, you no need to deposit for application fee = rs 50. One time registration is valid for 5 years, starting from you applied .More details about OTR kindly visit F.A.Q tab.

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All the best.

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